Checking Your Voicemail Online? Be Careful

In this age of texts and social media, voicemail may seem like a relic of the past. But it’s still around, and it’s evolved. Many businesses use online voicemail services with which employees receive links through notification emails to check messages.
But as technology advances, the bad guys work hard to catch up. One recent trend involves fake notification messages that look like the real thing. Potential victims are prompted to click a link to listen to a “new message.” Ultimately, they’re directed to realistic-looking Microsoft sign-in page that asks for their email and password.
Entering this information here, however, does not result in a voicemail message. It only provides online crooks with access to your email account where they can steal personal information and data and even launch attacks on your place of employment.
So, as always, be careful out there. Remember the following steps to stay safe when using online voicemail:
- Before clicking, always hover over links to see where they’re taking you.
- If you’re already logged into your email account, you shouldn’t be prompted to log in again. When asked to log in to an online service you’re using, type the web address into your browser yourself, rather than using unexpected links.
- Get familiar with the format of your voicemail notification emails. If you’re ever in doubt, contact the proper department in your organization before you click on any links or download attachments.
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