Latest Phishing Attempt Targets Work Email

The bad guys are clever, you have to give them that. One of the latest online phishing scams involves emails tailored to look like they came from your workplace’s human resources department.
The bait is a link to a fake website at which you’re promised information about a performance review. But if you proceed and enter your login information, the scammers will receive access to your work account, and your entire organization could be compromised.
It’s hard to filter all the spam. But remember — never click on a link you weren’t expecting to receive. Pick up the phone or walk over to HR and verify an email is legitimate if you’re not convinced it’s a phishing attempt.
Don’t place sensitive data — yours or your company’s — at risk. Stop and think, and if you’re still not sure, ask. The bad guys may be clever, but that doesn’t mean they have to be successful.