Texting Scams On The Rise

You are probably already aware of the fraud term phishing. When phishing emails are sent they are meant to get users to surrender personal information by pretending to be an official business, such as the government or a bank, but the end game is steal someone’s identity.
Scammers are also targeting people via text message. Don’t fall for it. Here are some fraudulent text messages to watch out for:
- “ARKANSAS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION; your account is locked until your account activities are verified, visit [URL] to unlock immediately.”
- “(AFCU): – Your card is blocked and use is temporarily restricted. Please visit [URL] right away.”
- ARKANSASFCU: We limited your account access due to unusual activity by becklaw-Tampa, Not you? confirm details: [URL]”
Remember, Arkansas Federal will never text you to alert you that your account is locked, asking you to click on a link to unlock it.
Here are some tips to help with keep you safe:
- Don’t automatically trust the name at the top of the thread.
- Don’t call the number or reply to texts asking for personal or financial information.
- Ignore instructions to text “STOP” or “NO,” because this will let scammers know your phone number is active.
Related Resources
Read Is that really Arkansas Federal? How to spot a scam. -
Read How To Protect Yourself From Social Engineering How To Protect Yourself From Social Engineering
Read Beware: Scams Beware: Scams