Arkansas Federal Named ‘Best Places to Work’ in 2023

Arkansas Federal Credit Union Named One of the Best Places to Work in Arkansas
(LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – July 14, 2023) — Arkansas Federal Credit Union is pleased to announce that for the eighth time, they have been named one of the best places to work in the state by Arkansas Business. This statewide business journal annually recognizes the state’s top employers.
The award recognizes Arkansas businesses through their employees’ anonymous feedback and ratings for outstanding performance in establishing workplaces where employees can thrive, enjoy their work, and help their company succeed.
“We are delighted to be recognized as a great place to work again this year,” said Brittany Rankin, SHRM-CP, vice president of human resources. “This award is 100% a reflection of the dedication each employee contributes to make a difference for each other, our members, and our communities every day. We are thrilled that our team members trust our organization, have pride in their work, and believe in our mission.”
Companies across the state completed a two-part survey process to determine the “Best Places to Work.” Worth approximately 20% of the total evaluation, Arkansas Business first evaluated each company’s workplace policies, practices, philosophy, systems, and demographics. Second, and worth 80% of the total evaluation, employees submitted confidential surveys to measure their overall experience. The combined scores determine the top companies and final rankings.
Arkansas Business will recognize the top 50 companies at a special event on September 12, 2023.
Arkansas Federal Credit Union is the largest credit union and one of the largest financial institutions in Arkansas with more than $2 billion in total assets and more than 400 employees. Arkansas Federal has 20 branches throughout Arkansas, which serve more than 140,000 members. www.afcu.org. #OpenToAllArkansans
Contact: Denise Goforth
Phone: 501-533-2251
Email: dgoforth@afcu.org
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