Arkansas Federal Credit Union Announces 2018 Scholarship Recipient
Program expanding in 2019 to include non-traditional students seeking secondary education
JACKSONVILLE, Ark. (May 18, 2018) – Sarah Beth Overcash of Brinkley is the recipient of the 2018 Arkansas Federal Credit Union Scholarship, awarded since 2003 to members or children of members who are college-bound, high-school seniors.
This year, Arkansas Federal received more than 250 scholarship applications. Recipients must use the scholarship funds at a two- or four-year accredited institution recognized by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Postsecondary Education. Ms. Overcash plans to attend Oberlin Conservatory of Music in Oberlin, Ohio.
“We recognize how much a secondary education can improve not only the life of the recipient but also their families and the communities where they live and work,” said Rodney Showmar, Arkansas Federal’s president and chief executive officer. “Providing a greater opportunity for the further education of our members is aligned with our purpose, which is to the be the difference in the lives of our members, employees and the communities we serve.”
Due to the program’s success and demand of members, Arkansas Federal will launch an additional $5,000 scholarship opportunity in 2019 for a member who is pursing secondary education but is a non-traditional student.
“Because of our success in growing the credit union, we are able to expand the scholarship program and reward not only deserving high-school seniors, but also members who may be looking to further their education at a different time in their life,” said Heather Savage, senior vice president of human resources for Arkansas Federal. “This additional scholarship opportunity was a request by one of our members, and for us, it certainly made sense to expand the scholarship program since we offer a college tuition reimbursement program for our employees.”
Arkansas Federal Credit Union is the largest financial cooperative and one of the largest financial institutions in Arkansas with more than $1.1 billion in total assets and more than 280 employees. Arkansas Federal has 14 branches throughout Arkansas, which serve more than 100,000 members. AFCU.org. #OpenToAllArkansans
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