Arkansas Federal to Help Members Impacted by the Historic Flooding

Credit union continues to ‘be the difference’ for members
JACKSONVILLE, Ark. (May 30, 2019) – Historic flooding and strong storms in Arkansas and Oklahoma has had a devastating impact to the local communities that Arkansas Federal Credit Union serves. In response, Arkansas Federal is prepared to quickly assist impacted members by providing additional time to make payments, removing fees that have been assessed, and short-term loans if needed.
“This historic flooding is affecting our employees, members and the communities that we serve,” said Rodney Showmar, president and chief executive officer of Arkansas Federal. “We are prepared to quickly provide assistance to ensure our members have access to the funds they need when they need them.”
“We’re here to help,” said Terry Vick, Arkansas Federal’s executive vice president and chief lending officer. “Our commitment to be the difference for members is real, and we’ll always do what it takes to protect and support our members.”
Any members impacted by the flooding or storms should contact Arkansas Federal at (800) 456-3000 or visit their local branch. As always, Arkansas Federal will work one-on-one with each member to help solve any challenge resulting from the flooding.
Arkansas Federal Credit Union is the largest credit union and one of the largest financial institutions in Arkansas with more than $1.2 billion in total assets and more than 300 employees. Arkansas Federal has 15 branches throughout Arkansas, which serve more than 100,000 members. #OpenToAllArkansans
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